ItaliaDesign is a competitive-entry program that selects twelve students each year to participate and make a one-year commitment to the program, for twelve university credits. An Italian Language course must also be completed. Applicants from SIAT receive priority and a senior level of design knowledge is a minimum expectation. Each year a new gruppo or group is formed who will work extremely closely for the 12 months of the project. This is the sixth gruppo: Gruppo Sei
In this section one can watch video and read comments made by each member of Gruppo Sei in an interview conducted after the in-field portion of the project. The students express their thoughts as to what they value about the program, what they learned and what were its challenges. Prospective applicants should watch these interviews to gauge their own suitability. Each gruppo passes on everything they have learned to the next group as the new baseline. The Director ensures the passing of that ‘legacy’ torch and subjects are thus able to progress each year, with minimal repetition year to year.